“Inflammation, How to Cool the Fire Inside You” March 19

Dr. Nicole James will present “Inflammation, How to Cool the Fire Inside You” at Green’s N’ Grain in Egg Harbor on Thursday, March 19 at 1 PM.

Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response. Initially, it is beneficial when, for example, your knee sustains a blow and tissues need care and protection. However, sometimes inflammation can cause further inflammation; it can become self-perpetuating. More inflammation is created in response to the existing inflammation.

Dr. James will explain:

  • How to identify triggers of inflammation and how to reverse the cycle of pain and chronic disease,
  • Some foods to look out for that irritate the immune system,
  • Which foods help to reduce inflammation,
  • How your diet, the way you live and how medication can actually be inducing inflammation and accompanied pain,
  • The use of anti-inflammatory supplements , herbs and botanicals,
  • How nutritional testing works to assess inflammation and trace its underlying causes.

There is no cost to attend but please, R.S.V.P. or get further information from Dr. Nicole James, CNC by email at nicole@DCOptimalHealth.net or with a call to her at 920.743.4221.